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We are developing two open source blockchain projects built on Hyperledger Fabric. Our focused projects encompass every moving part of production and distribution in the Entertainment industry.

Blockchain is being used to redefine how entertanment is created, distributed and remunerated. Prioritizing artist-friendly policies.

Our projects are designed to streamline and widen funding participation, improve Intellectual property rights & royalty management, realize cost savings through disintermediation, and enforce overall accountability in the entertainment industries.


PUDDINGIFY Manage your Intellectual Property on the fly. Your creations are your assets. Make them yours, prove them yours. Forever.

The impact blockchain, Web3, NFT’s, DAO’s, and the metaverse have on the Media & Entertainment industry cannot be overstated.

Puddingify will leverage the ever expanding opportunities these nascent technologies offer entertainment industry participants and their fan base.

Puddingify will incorporate the bitcoin blockchain for timestamping and utilize the Hyperledger umbrella of applications and blockchain connectors.

Whats Next For Us

We are interested in developing and collaborating on projects that positively impact participants in the entertainment industry.  We want to meet filmmakers, producers, actors, writers, electricians, makeup artists, composers, musicians, entertainment lawyers, accountants who are interested in participating or have a project idea.

Projects On Our Radar:

Sniffer AI:  An open source blockchain based tool that will identify creative works that have been generated or manipulated by Artificial Intelligence. The tool will have the capability of notifying the copyright holders of creative works.    

Its My Creation, Simplified:  An open source blockchain based registry of creative works using Proof of Anteriority. Simply put, the blockchain time stamps the creators works and establishes priority. Geared to writers and composers in Film & Television and Music Industry. 

Whats Next For You?

What are you working on? Are you interested in collaborating?  We are looking for filmmakers, producers, actors, writers, composers, musicians, coders, designers, thinkers, accountants, lawyers, et al who are intersted in contributing skills and thoughts.